Monday 25 March 2013

The Grand Caverns Cryptids

This photo was taken in 1895 by an amateur spelunker/photographer named Oren Jeffries while exploring an unmapped section of Grand Caverns, in Southwestern Virginia. 

At the time it was taken, Jeffries was conducting photographic experiments, using super long exposures to see if anything at all could be captured in the total absence of light—otherwise known as “cave darkness.” He would situate himself on level ground, extinguish his lantern, and then open the lens of his homemade box camera for as long as he could stand the darkness.

During one of these experiments, he heard something approach from the deeper recesses of the cave. Frightened, Jeffries abandoned his experiment and set off one of the Blitzlicht flashes he used for taking traditional photos underground.

According to the report he later gave to a local newspaper, Jeffries saw three “humanoid” creatures staring at him from the shadows and took off running in the other direction and didn’t stop running until he was topside. Several days later, he returned with three other men to retrieve his box camera. This is the image that was recorded on the film inside.


  1. Do visit the FB site The Missouri Mystery Mound, and locate the photos of cryptids described as "purple people". These photos were taken by Charles Teague in the 1990s. The purple humanoids bear a strong resemblance to the Sableye character in the Nintendo game "Pokemon". The image of the "adult" creature with the "juvenile" crawling over the top of its head are most telling. Teague discovered a boulder carved to look like a skull, and in the cracks in the boulder, in the photos, "eyes looking back at you" can be discerned. Where are the myths and legends about these creatures? Something is very weird here. (P. S. I am a librarian and also the administrator of a "phantoms and monsters" wiki under WikiFoundry on FireFox.)

    1. Many thanks for your comments. Very interesting indeed!
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